Friday, January 18, 2013

Whom God Calls, He Qualifies

This week the student choice homework that I have chose to do is Choice #2: Genesis 4-6 & Moses 6-7 "Whom God Calls, He Qualifies"

a. How did the Lord describe the people of Enoch's day?
  • hearts have waxed hard
  • ears are dull of hearing
  • eyes cannot see far off
  • have gone astray
  • have denied me (God)
  • sought their own counsels in the dark
  • have not kept the commandments given to Adam
  • have devised murder
  • have foresworn themselves
  • brought upon themselves death
b. Describe how the Lord strengthened and sustained Enoch and how the Lord has done similar things for me (Moses 6:32-39, 47 ; 7:13-18, 69)

  • The Lord told Enoch that if he would just open his mouth that "it shall be filled".  He told him that the "Spirit is upon you", that "all they words will I justify", and to me, the most important, that "thou shalt abide in me and I in you".  When Enoch then went among the people and preached repentance unto them, the "earth trembled" because he "spoke the word of the Lord" and there was power in him.  It also said that he [Enoch] "walked with God".  
I sat and pondered this for some time.  I think that Enoch was trying so hard to do what was right and he doubted his abilities to do great things, but with God's help he was able to change the lives of these people.  He was literally strengthened beyond his capacities and given gifts from God to work miracles.  I think of the times in my life when I have been strengthened by the Lord and there ARE similarities.  Not to the degree of what Enoch experienced but to a degree that was amazing to me.  When I served my mission I was so afraid to open my mouth.  I didn't want people to yell at me, or ignore me.  I was afraid that I wouldn't know how to teach or what to say.  I can testify that there were many times when I had no plans of what to say and I had no idea what I was saying, but the Lord was filling my mind with the information I needed and my mouth with the words to say that would touch the heart of the person we were contacting or teaching.  He does loves us and is there to help us!  A few years ago, I was called in with my husband to talk to our Bishop and he was telling me that the YW Pres in our ward was moving and he had prayed and would like to give me a calling and I said "as long as it isn't YW Pres!"  He laughed a little and told me that it was and asked me why I had said that.  I told him that I felt very incapable of teaching and leading the young women of our ward...there were far more capable women that would do a better job.  Long story short....I accepted the call and served for 3 1/2 years and it was amazing!  I loved every second with those beautiful young women!  It wasn't me that led and directed the young women program during that time, it was the Lord.  He blessed me to know the path to go down and the direction and counsel to give to each and every young woman.  He truly strengthened me to be able to fulfill a calling that I had felt sorely incapable of doing.  I am so grateful that the Lord is always there for us and when we utilize his power in our lives, we can do great things!

c. Summarize from the reading what I learned about Enoch and his people

Enoch lived a very long time.  He had many children.  He was called to prophesy unto the people and call them to repentance.  It is written that "when he spoke, people trembled" and could not stand in his presence.  He had great power given to him by God to lead the people.  He spoke face to face with God!  He was commanded to baptize the people and in time of war, he led them.  The Lord "dwelt with this people, and they dwelt in righteousness".  Enoch built a city and called it City of Holiness or Zion.  The Lord spoke to him and told him that "Zion is blessed and the residue of the people are cursed".  Zion (the city of Enoch) was then taken up to Heaven to be with God.

This is absolutely one of my most favorite Bible stories of all time.  I love it.  I love that the people became so righteous and so obedient to God that they were taken up to be with Him.  I loved the whole thought and concept of Zion.  I think that this world would be so different if we could even be 50% of a Zion-like world.

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