Friday, February 8, 2013

Murmuring in the Wilderness

Student choice assignment #5
Exodus 15:23-27, 16-17

  • What did the children of Israel murmur about?
They murmured about their living conditions.  They had bitter water to drink, then they didn't want to be in the Wilderness, they were hungry and thirsty again.

  • How did the Lord respond to their murmuring?
The Lord gave them water to drink from a tree and the water tasted fresh.  Then he sent manna to feed them each day providing sufficient for their needs and allowing them to not have to collect it on the Sabbath day in order to keep it holy.  He also had Moses smite a rock to make water for them to drink.

  • Why do you think people murmur against God and those He has chosen as His leaders? (1Ne 16:1-3)
The Lord asks hard things of us or at least things that may appear hard to us if we are not currently living righteously.  Sometimes we feel guilt if we are not doing as we should, or as quoted in the scriptures "the guilty taketh the truth to be hard".  It's our way of figuring out how we are not doing what we should be doing and venting our frustrations about it.

  •  Read 2 Ne 27:35, describe what Nephi suggested as an antidote for murmuring.
Nephi said we need to come to an understanding and learn the doctrine.  I believe what he means is that we need to get our crap together and do what the Lord has asked of us no matter how hard or uncomfortable it may feel to us.  This is a hard thing, especially if the sin or disobedience has gone on for some time.  It is hard to break habits and create new, better ones.  That doesn't mean it is impossible, just that it will take time and effort on our part.  The Lord asks us to have a willing attitude to make the change and therein lies the secret.

  • What counsel would you give to a friend/family member who murmurs against the commandments of God?
I would give the same counsel that I give myself everyday...."BUCK UP!"  I would suggest making it a matter of prayer first and study of scriptures and the words of the Latter-day prophets to help me have the strength to do what I need to do without complaint.  I would also suggest that they start small.  Rome wasn't built in a day and so it is with changes we make in our lives.  Not that we need to make the progress so slow that we aren't actually changing, but not put so much added pressure to change overnight that it is impossible or feels impossible for us to manage.  The Lord wants us to succeed and He will bless us but we need to put forth the effort and care about it too.

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